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  • For Peter Berg and his team, 2024 has been a very pleasing year so far. With innovative slope design and sustainable natural stone plant combinations, our team not only secured first place in the ‘TOP 100 Planners’ ranking, but also received an award in the ‘Gardens of the Year’ Award 2024 from Callwey Verlag.

    This means that we have won the four most important horticultural awards in the German-speaking world in just nine years. These include the Elca Green Award, the Gardens of the Year Award, the Oase Award and the Taspo Award, all of which recognise the outstanding work of garden designer Peter Berg.

    A striking example of the philosophy is the project for an urban garden in Bonn, which won the ‘Gardens of the Year’ award in 2024. This project illustrates how sustainable garden design and the preservation of old trees and shrubs can enhance urban spaces.

    Peter Berg’s natural and aesthetic garden design has established itself as a trademark – the ‘BergStyle’ – through the innovative use of natural stone. This style is characterised by the transformation of difficult slopes into impressive garden landscapes and unique plant-natural stone combinations.

    We are delighted to have received these important awards. It shows us that our philosophy and passion for sustainability, natural stone and the fusion of nature and design is being recognised.

    You can find more ‘BergStyle’ projects here


    Winning garden ‘Oasis Award’ in ‘BergStyle’


    Winning garden ‘Gardens of the Year 2023’, Peter Berg and Petra Pelz


    ‘Gardens of the Year 2024’ award


    Peter Berg’s own garden

    Garden Design Day takes place in Oslo and is an annual event for anyone interested in garden design.

    This year, Peter Berg has been invited as a speaker. He specialises in transforming seemingly impossible plots and slopes into exciting spaces by using stone and an exciting choice of plants. He introduced and inspired the participants to the art of stone setting and garden planning in his talk.

    The enthusiasm of the participants was very high and they would like to visit some of the presented gardens in September.


    Inspiring garden design by Peter Berg can also be found here:

    To the projects

    In summer 2019 our 3rd drywall workshop took place with the aim to teach and preserve this old craft.

    Whether beginner or advanced, everyone had the opportunity to expand their skills and share their knowledge with the other participants. Special thanks to Steven Altigs, who captured some wonderful impressions from this workshop and created this video.

    We are already planning something very special for 2020. Our 4th dry-stone workshop will be better than any holiday, with lots of know-how, good food and community – so stay tuned!


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    Cracow, Poland: From 18-19 October, Peter Berg was invited as a guest lecturer to the ELCA (European Landscape Contractors Association) conference.

    In his lecture “Nature. Aesthetics. Design.” he spoke about the design elements he uses in his garden projects. Following the Japanese example, he uses natural stone, plants and water for an aesthetic and natural garden design.

    Among the approximately 100 participants were well-known landscape architects, garden designers and students. The encounter with the English garden designer Jo Thompson (Best in Show Chelsea) was a special highlight.

    In addition to the conference with top-class lectures, excursions to important parks and gardens were also on the agenda of the expert audience. Over the years, these excursions have developed friendships with colleagues in many countries, openly communicating and sharing expertise.

    Cracow convinces among other things with good restaurants, much life at the river and an interesting surrounding field, with the proximity to the high Tatra. The city is not too big and does not have the uniform character of many modern cities.

    “Taste is the art of understanding little things.” (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

    Next week the 28th Langenloiser Staudentage will take place in Austria. Peter Berg is very much looking forward to participating as a speaker. Further information and details


    “A good eye and trained senses are indispensable prerequisites for aesthetic garden design. With his philosophy, Peter Berg pursues a very special approach: his gardens should be sustainable and natural – which is ensured above all by the use of natural stone. They should be reduced to just a few materials, radiate a soothing calm – even in the choice of colours – and meet the individual needs of their owners. This concept has created unique gardens whose fascination lies in the clarity of their design. The garden designer presents the most beautiful gardens in his inspiring lecture.

    Peter Berg grew up in the vineyard region of Rhineland-Palatinate and is fascinated by dry-stone landscapes. His core competences lie in dealing with hillsides and the special use of plant combinations in combination with natural stone. Inspiring excursions led the landscape gardener to Ireland and Japan. For the third time he has been awarded the TASPO Award as Garden Designer of the Year. His new book “Natur. Aesthetics. Design” was published by DVA in 2018.”

    Click here to register.

    Last tuesday the team from GartenLandschaft Berg & Co. GmbH invited for an exclusive tour through the Arp Museum. The special thing about it was that the tour took place outside the regular opening hours of the museum.

    Afterwards Dr. Margot Gumppenberg and Dr. Susanne Blöcker from the Arp Museum took the time to share about the history of the museum, the present exhibition as well as the architectur of the new building extension. It was a wonderful and extraordinary evening rounded of by a delicious dinner at the restaurant interieur no. 253.

    Of course we brought some impressions – with japanese music too.


    A warm invitation to all designers of private gardens to join this workshop by garden designer Peter Berg on the 28th of January 2019 in Echterdingen. For details and registration see PDF.

    The Russian “Green Arrow” school of horticulture invited Peter Berg to a seminar in St. Petersburg in March.

    Peter Berg explained his philosophy of garden design to a large group of Russian garden designers and showed many examples of how GartenLandschaft gardens are created. The participants, who were predominantly female, followed the lecture with great interest over two days and worked on their own concepts as part of practical exercises. At the closing ceremony each participant received a certificate signed by Peter Berg. Several ladies immediately expressed interest in visiting Germany to experience some of his gardens on location.

    For the fourth time in a row, the GartenLandschaft team with managing directors Peter Berg and Susanne Förster spent a week in the snow. The team training with cross-country skiing and personnel development, taking place every January, was carried out this time in Ramsau. Peter Berg personally assumed responsibility for training on the skis. Due to his decades of experience also in the competitive arena, he was able to help with the performance of the participants and contribute to improving their individual techniques. With two training units daily, the participants quickly established the transferability of what they had learnt to everyday work processes. Conversations after dinner with the personnel developer, who reflected the experiences in an intensive process, also contributed to this.

    Physically and mentally strengthened and with new motivation and fresh team spirit, the participants began their journey homewards.