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  • In the “Augustinum” retirement home in Bad Neuenahr, the garden destroyed by the 2021 flood was not only rebuilt but completely redesigned to offer the 300 senior citizens a more liveable environment.

    Peter Berg and his team are delighted with the positive effect the natural retreat with a large pond, natural stone, shrubs, grasses and perennials has had on the residents of the “Augustinum” since the start of construction and even more so after completion.

    The design works with different heights and space-defining stone structures, allowing an artificial pond to be modelled. The pond was designed with peninsulas, islands, organic shapes and different depths to create the illusion of a larger body of water and to provide ever-changing perspectives.

    In addition to the pond, the surrounding area was designed and planted. Peter Berg deliberately used traditional manual labour, supported by machine power, to add as much detail as possible to this garden. Natural stones were laid and beautiful specimen trees, grasses and shrubs were planted to create a lively and harmonious overall picture.

    Due to the approaching winter, the realisation of the garden had to be completed within a tight time frame. Throughout the project, Berg liaised closely with the residents and the management of the facility in order to take their needs into account as much as possible. This close communication made the project a matter close to Peter Berg’s heart.

    More details and insights can be found in this video.


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    We would like to thank our videographer Steven Altig. With his video, he has succeeded in bringing the special nature of this project to life with wonderful images.

    For Peter Berg and his team, 2024 has been a very pleasing year so far. With innovative slope design and sustainable natural stone plant combinations, our team not only secured first place in the ‘TOP 100 Planners’ ranking, but also received an award in the ‘Gardens of the Year’ Award 2024 from Callwey Verlag.

    This means that we have won the four most important horticultural awards in the German-speaking world in just nine years. These include the Elca Green Award, the Gardens of the Year Award, the Oase Award and the Taspo Award, all of which recognise the outstanding work of garden designer Peter Berg.

    A striking example of the philosophy is the project for an urban garden in Bonn, which won the ‘Gardens of the Year’ award in 2024. This project illustrates how sustainable garden design and the preservation of old trees and shrubs can enhance urban spaces.

    Peter Berg’s natural and aesthetic garden design has established itself as a trademark – the ‘BergStyle’ – through the innovative use of natural stone. This style is characterised by the transformation of difficult slopes into impressive garden landscapes and unique plant-natural stone combinations.

    We are delighted to have received these important awards. It shows us that our philosophy and passion for sustainability, natural stone and the fusion of nature and design is being recognised.

    You can find more ‘BergStyle’ projects here


    Winning garden ‘Oasis Award’ in ‘BergStyle’


    Winning garden ‘Gardens of the Year 2023’, Peter Berg and Petra Pelz


    ‘Gardens of the Year 2024’ award


    Peter Berg’s own garden

    We are delighted to be part of the new issue of “Gardens Illustrated”. The stunning photos by Marianne Majerus and the report by Tony Spencer show our project in its full splendor.

    “Gardens Illustrated” is undoubtedly one of the most respected magazines for garden lovers and experts worldwide. Each issue of “Gardens Illustrated” features the world’s most beautiful gardens and insights from top designers and plant experts. The magazine publishes 13 issues a year.

    Would you like to discover more outstanding garden design?

    Our apprentices have done great this year, securing second and third place in the best graduations in NRW.

    What makes this achievement even more remarkable is the fact that our trainees supported each other in their learning. They formed a great team and motivated each other to do their best.

    We are proud to have such dedicated and talented apprentices in our company. They are a role model for others and show that hard work and team spirit can lead to great success.

    Congratulations to our apprentices on their outstanding achievements!

    We are excited about their future successes and will continue to support them so they can reach their full potential.

    Garden Design Day takes place in Oslo and is an annual event for anyone interested in garden design.

    This year, Peter Berg has been invited as a speaker. He specialises in transforming seemingly impossible plots and slopes into exciting spaces by using stone and an exciting choice of plants. He introduced and inspired the participants to the art of stone setting and garden planning in his talk.

    The enthusiasm of the participants was very high and they would like to visit some of the presented gardens in September.


    Inspiring garden design by Peter Berg can also be found here:

    To the projects

    Garden designers among themselves! Peter Berg in interview with Carolyn Mullet!

    Last summer – with pouring rain – we had a visit from the enchanting garden designer Carolyn Mullet and her “Carex Tours” travel group. Carex Tours organizes tours to gardens all over the world. Their stopover with us in the Ahr valley was a real experience and we met wonderful people. Garden connects! And of course we took the opportunity for a little interview, which you can now listen to on YouTube or here on this page.


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    By the way: On November 10th, Carolyn’s new book “Adventures in Eden” will be released – we are very happy that our slope garden will also be presented in it. Feel free to have a look at her Instagram channel, you’ll find all the details there. https://www.instagram.com/ccamullet/

    We are now also on YouTube. Subscribe to our channel and look forward to videos about slope gardening, garden design & Co.

    Slope garden Peter Berg garden design


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    Together with the expert for plant concepts, Petra Pelz, this wonderful exceptional project in Lower Saxony was created. “Pure and sustainable garden.”

    The garden is located in the Lower Saxony region of Hanover and is fascinating to us because the property has been 100% planted – including all roofs.

    We developed the concept for the corresponding stone structure, height staggering and the terrain modelling. The woody plants were selected together with our client for the respective situation. Petra Pelz used this template to enliven the area in her very special style. The planting was done by our team according to her specifications. A harmonious, natural overall concept of architecture and garden.

    Take a look at the beautiful garden now! To the project

    As every year, we use the collectively quiet time around the turn of the year to recharge our batteries, set goals and read good books. The new decade will be a challenge for all of us due to the rapid technological progress alone. This makes it all the more important to appreciate, preserve and enjoy nature in peace.

    With this in mind, we wish you a happy 2020.

    Straße im Schnee

    In summer 2019 our 3rd drywall workshop took place with the aim to teach and preserve this old craft.

    Whether beginner or advanced, everyone had the opportunity to expand their skills and share their knowledge with the other participants. Special thanks to Steven Altigs, who captured some wonderful impressions from this workshop and created this video.

    We are already planning something very special for 2020. Our 4th dry-stone workshop will be better than any holiday, with lots of know-how, good food and community – so stay tuned!


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