22. November 2019

10 reasons for a company garden

Modern companies now offer their employees a lot. From ergonomic seats to openspace offices with meeting lounges, a relaxation corner, a café bar, freely available drinks and fruit to a fitness studio – a good company boss cares about the well-being of his team. For some time now, however, the importance of “green” has been recognised here as well. Not the colour on the wall, but outside, around the building or in inner courtyards, in the form of a garden. Why is the topic of “company gardens” increasingly becoming the focus of companies? The renowned garden designer Peter Berg from Sinzig has himself recognised a few years ago that there is an enormous potential for companies in this area. In the following he names 10 good reasons for a company garden:

1. the appreciation of the employees

The creation of a green outdoor area shows the employee that the management really cares about what is good for the employees. Of course it’s an extra investment for the company, but it’s an absolutely worthwhile investment in employee well-being. This kind of appreciation is gratefully accepted.

2. employee generation

A company stands and falls with good employees. When selecting an employer, however, a potential employee also pays attention to various criteria. The work-life balance plays a central role today. A company garden, which allows the connection to nature and also reflects the appreciation of the employee, is a big plus. Perhaps a playground would still be an idea for the company’s own nursery, which is often the case with larger companies.

3. employee satisfaction

The possibility of spending time in the countryside during working hours has a relaxing effect and is an ideal balance to office space or work hall. Employee satisfaction increases, which in turn has a very positive effect on the general working atmosphere.

4. increase in creativity

Fresh air and the feeling of being in nature have been proven to stimulate creativity and performance. Pausing and conferencing in a well-designed outdoor area promotes the flow of ideas and interactions between employees. There are various possibilities for them to communicate together or to seek peace and quiet.

5. productivity increase

A relaxing and creativity-enhancing environment naturally also leads to an increase in productivity. A rather stressed employee, who is often under stress, can hardly work productively. Natural plants, daylight and oxygen have a calming and stimulating effect at the same time.

6. reduction of sick days

Many workers suffer from psychosocial stress at work, which often leads to illness and absenteeism. This is an unsatisfactory situation for employers and employees alike. Through the many positive effects of a company garden, this stress is reduced, the general well-being is increased and thus the number of sick days is significantly reduced.

7. improvement of the microclimate

Environmental pollution or heat often affect the climate in and around the company building. The professional use of plants, natural stone and/or possibly water is an ideal way to improve the microclimate. Plants absorb CO2 and filter fine dust. At the same time, they release oxygen, keep moisture in the soil and provide shade. Natural stone absorbs the heat of the day and stores it. If it is watered, the moisture evaporates and also contributes to the improvement of the microclimate.

8. environmental awareness

Sustainability and environmental awareness are topics that have been in the spotlight for some time now. The design of a garden impressively documents that a company takes up these issues and is aware of its responsibility in this respect. Apart from ist own surroundings, this measure also contributes to the greening of cities and makes them more liveable.

9. green business card/image improvement

The corporate philosophy plays a major role in its image cultivation. The external design of a company is now perceived just as much as the website or business equipment. An ecological imprint and sustainable action is credibly proven by a company garden. The first impression counts – with the customer, like with the potential coworker, and that is to represent the quality of the company and the products.

10. increase of the real estate value

Last but not least – a factor not to be underestimated is the influence of a professionally and aesthetically designed outdoor facility on the value of the property as a whole. Here, too, it makes a difference, of course, whether a picture is monotonous to the observer from the outside.


These are certainly sufficient good reasons to think about this topic. In the meantime, there are outstanding examples worldwide of how garden designers have realized the importance of green for companies. Be it as an outdoor facility, patio, i.e. courtyard or roof garden, adapted to the architecture and philosophy of the company, the design is more formal or more natural. Even a large complex can be beautifully integrated into the surrounding landscape.

A company garden is a wonderful opportunity to bring nature to the company and to use its powers.


Read more in the current article by Peter Berg for Accelerate Academy